P-04-599  Impact of Domestic Rating on Self Catering Accommodation 

Petition wording

We, the undersigned, call, upon the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to:

1. Undertake a thorough review and impact assessment of the Non Domestic Rating (Definition of Domestic Property) (Wales) Order 2010, with particular reference to:

a. the potential for adverse impact on new self catering tourism businesses, as they develop their marketing strategies during the first two years of trading;

b. the critical impact of severe weather events on marketing strategies and hence occupancy rates during a particular calendar year.

2. Have regard to the findings of such a review, specifically by instructing the Valuation Office for Non Domestic Rates in Wales to adopt a flexible and business friendly approach, including potential for the retrospective waiving of Council Tax, where there is clear evidence of a genuine case.

3. Review its overall tourism marketing strategy, to ensure that Visit Wales registered self catering businesses are not disadvantaged by disproportionate emphasis upon coastal tourism and serviced accommodation, such as cruising and hotels.

As well as fostering a positive climate for new self catering business, this would also serve to create a level playing field for business with England and the other nations of the United Kingdom – and ensure that the self catering sector, so vital to the Welsh tourism economy, is no longer marginalised.


Petitioner : Chris Harris 

First considered by the Committee: 23 September 2014

Number of Signatures:   27